

It is not a 007 film or novel, it is an antenna from Russia. Antenna design, homebrew and experiments are a true science and RF engineering for a real homebrewer. It will expose more hidden things, it will reveal more things in radio frequency, propagation, gain, F/B ratio, SWR, attenuation etc. Truly it is an art.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
86.3 k
Dec 21, 2013

It is a high gain simple beam antenna for 2 meter frequency. It is just a 4 element on 4 feet boom with a gain of 8 dB and having a low SWR of 1.2 : 1 on the operating frequency 144 to 146 MHz. NSH 4x4 Boomer was simulated due to the need of a beam antenna with minimum elements, minimum boom length and maximum forward gain.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
110.9 k
Sep 22, 2013

Hentenna is designed in 1970s by Tadashi Okubo JH1FCZ, Someya JE1DEU. They are 6 meter hams in Japan. In Japan, the word HEN means 'interesting, unusual, strange' etc. Ofcourse, it is a strange antenna and it is an Asymmetrical Double Rectangle (ADR) Loop Antenna.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
86.8 k
Sep 22, 2013

Generally Hams are using different antennas to get better signals in VHF. They select the popular types from a quarter lambda to a beam yagi) or stacked verticals. Many experienced hams are designing and homebrewing their antennae for their own purposes. Some people are copying the same and begin to make the antennae without reading or understanding the subject properly (PLAGARISM). Moreover they say that it is not working or it is not producing proper gain.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
100.7 k
Sep 22, 2013

The convention of many that "we live in a complex era" is no better illustrated if you ever glance at the schematic diagram of any modern multi-band, multi-mode rig. Quite interestingly, confused by such complexities, the majority of newbie radio amateurs bury their dream to operate an entire home brew rig and do-it-yourself aspect of our hobby is thus completely lost. The problem-assuming that the present situation is, at least, to a degree undesirable-clearly deserves analysis.

Kang. K. P. S.
89 k
Sep 20, 2013

This antenna is much useful for city dwellers for mounting at balcony, sunshade or windows to receive the local TV station very clearly, like getting the gain from a four element yagi antenna. This is the continuation of the experiments on Moxon Rectangle Antennae. Previously one of this antenna for FM Radio Broadcast - 3 meter band - was published in hamradio.in (FM Radio Rectangle Super Gainer).

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
66.4 k
May 12, 2013

The purpose of antenna is to radiate the signal or to receive the signal as effectively as possible. It is a passive component of radio broadcasting, navigation and other systems. Physically, an antenna is an assemblage of conductors. A receiving antenna is like an electric analog of the eye capable of “Radio Vision”. For antenna, it is important to maintain a high standard of efficiency. In radio communication, we deal with electromagnetic waves travelling through the earth’s atmosphere.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
83.4 k
May 18, 2008

The speed of electromagnetic wave is the same as speed of light, light is also an electromagnetic wave. In empty space, the speed is 299, 799, 077 meters per second. The Physical Length of a frequency λ = v/f, where 'v' is the Velocity, 'λ' is the wave length and 'f' is the frequency. For example, if f = 145.000 MHz., then the Physical Length is (300 / 145) = 2.06896 meters. Because of the velocity factor K of the conductor, the Physical Electrical Length is less than the Free Space Length.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
88 k
Jan 18, 2007

Lately I had a feeling of necessity of an 80 meter portable rig for use during traveling and camping that proved to be the main impetus behind the development of this little transceiver for portable use. As the design was incepted I zeroed my choice for my favorite direct conversion technique for its simplicity added with the incentives of no-nonsense high performanc

Kang. K. P. S.
50 k
Sep 20, 2013

It is not much popular antenna but much old design!! The original name of this antenna is Two Element Driven Arrays. In 1952 Les Moxon published this Genius Design in QST July Issue. It is a rectangular shaped two elements with a closed spacing of 0.18 lambda. This rectangle beam is popular among ham radio operators as Moxon Antenna.

N. S. Harisankar - VU3NSH
91.5 k
Apr 2, 2013